Novus Award was established by the initiative of Novus International, looking for cooperation with American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) and with the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). The objective has been, since the beginning, to award one European and one American young scientist having a qualified presentation in the dairy area at ADSA (for the American) and at EAAP (for the European) annual meetings.

The following structure is organized since 2022 with the objective to recognize excellence in research and innovation in the different fields of dairy research, and to get the largest possible participation to the Novus Award.

Selection of the candidates is done through the Presidents of Study Commissions and a specific Selection Committee composed by the President of the YS Club, the Council member for Young Scientists and the Vice-President for Science. If one of them cannot be present at the Annual Meeting, they can be substituted by a member of the YS Club or by other Council members.


Steps for the selection of the Novus Award recipient:

  • Presidents of Commissions related to dairy topics are asked about their interest to participate
  • EAAP office asks all young scientists if they wish to participate. The requirements to participate are:
    • being less than 38 years old
    • being accepted to offer a theatre presentation at the Annual Meeting with topic related to dairy science and in a session organized by one of the Study Commissions accepting to participate
  • EAAP creates a list from those young scientists accepting the invitation and fulfilling the necessary requirements
  • Presidents of Commissions are asked to make a short list of young scientists from the sessions they manage. Selection must be done through abstracts. The parameters to follow to choose the best ones are I) value of the content; II) significance of the abstract to dairy field; III) originality; VI) the ability of practical implementation. The number of short-listed young scientists for each Commission is relative to the number of applicants. The total number of short listed must be no more than 15
  • The short-list of young scientists is given by the EAAP office to the Selection Committee together with the schedule of presentations of the short-listed candidates
  • Every presentation of the short-listed young scientists must be attended by at least one member of the Selection Committee. Requirements for evaluation:
    • Value of the Content
    • Clarity of Presentation
    • Appropriate Audio-Visual
    • Ability to Connect with the Audience
    • Proper Timing
  • The Secretariat prepares a standard evaluation form
  • By Thursday evening the Selection Committee send their evaluations to the Secretariat
  • The Secretariat computes the rank by the evaluations received from members of the Selection Committee. The recipient is announced through the following Newsletter and EAAP Socials. Novus International and ADSA are also informed


The European recipient is celebrated the following year at the Welcome and Award ceremony where Novus International has broad visibility. The ADSA recipient, attending the EAAP annual meeting, is also on stage.

The recipients of the award are celebrated at ADSA or EAAP meetings and receive support to attend the following year the ADSA Annual Meeting (for the European recipient) or the EAAP Annual Meeting (for the American recipient). In addition, Novus International organizes, when possible, and supports the recipients to visit their facilities.