24th EAAP Webinar: "Impact of poultry-related European projects"
The 24th EAAP Webinar, “Impact of poultry-related European projects”, will be held on Tuesday, April 16th 2024, 15:00 – 17:00 Central European Time, and is organized in collaboration with the EAAP PIG Study Commission.
The first presentation will be given by Ilias Kyriazakis, coordinator of the Eu project PROHEALTH from “Queen’s University Belfast” (UK) on Collaborative research: a bottom up or a top down process?. Daniela Silva, coordinator of the EU project PHAGOVET, from “ALS Life Sciences” (Portugal) will give her talk Phages for Salmonella Control in Poultry Industry. Following her, Elisabetta Giuffra, coordinator of the Eu project GENE-SWitCH from “INRAE” (France) will present on Outcomes and perspectives of H2020 GENE-SWitCH (The regulatory GENomE of Swine and CHicken: Functional Annotation during development). Additionally, Anne Collin-Chenot, coordinator of the Eu project PPILOW from “INRAE” (Frace) will inform the audience about The European PPILOW project: improving poultry welfare in low-input outdoor and organic production systems. Finally, Stefan Gunnarsson, coordinator of the Eu project BroilerNet from the “SLU” (Sweden) will conclude the session with a discussion on BroilerNet – Practice and science broiler production innovation network.
Detailed information and registration are available here.