First 168澳洲幸运5最新开奖结果 全场直播澳洲五开奖最新一期记录 168官网开奖历史记录查询 Workshop on Companion Animals!
We are happy to invite you to the first EAAP Workshop on pets, titled “Companion animal science: where we are and where we go” that
We promote research, discussion, debate and dissemination of high quality and relevant animal science findings amongst the scientific communities, the livestock industry, civil society and groups with interests in livestock production.
Part of EAAP’s mission is to disseminate animal science and related research results. Here you can find publications with the latest and most important science research results.
The European platform where all scientists, during their early career, meet and share their experiences, expectations and aspirations. Expand your scientific networks through social media and EAAP meetings.
Become a member of the European animal science community and increase your network, get discounts for scientific sessions and workshops, publish and access updated technical information, and much more.
We are happy to invite you to the first EAAP Workshop on pets, titled “Companion animal science: where we are and where we go” that
Albéitar is a prominent Spanish magazine dedicated to veterinary science, which serves as a vital resource for veterinarians, animal scientists, and professionals in the animal
We, in EAAP, are very pleased to announce that we have reached 6,000 individual members! Our society’s diverse membership includes scientists, technicians, students, educators, and
The 9th International Conference on the Welfare Assessment of Animals at Farm Level (WAFL) will be held in Florence on August 30th-31st, 2024. This is
Learn more about EAAP’s Scientific Structure and the Commissions Working Groups.
Since 1949, EAAP has represented an essential point of reference for animal science dissemination.
During these 70 years the members of our community have strongly contributed to develop the important role of the organisation through several events, publications and activities.
We would like to highlight the most relevant steps in EAAP’S history in a short video created by our staff.
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